Check if the Property falls within our standard work or any exclusions apply - new built etc.
<£100,000.00 £875.00 £985.00 £880.00 1,045.00
<£150,000.00 £908.00 £985.00 £930.00 1,100.00
<£200,000.00 £930.00 £1,040.00 £985.00 1,155.00
<£250,000.00 £985.00 £1,095.00 £1,040.00 1,210.00
<£300,000.00 £1,040.00 £1,150.00 £1,095.00 1,265.00
<£350,000.00 £1,095.00 £1,205.00 £1,150.00 1,320.00
<£400,000.00 £1,150.00 £1,260.00 £1,205.00 1,370.00
<£450,000.00 £1,205.00 £1,315.00 £1,260.00 1,425.00
<£500,000.00 £1,260.00 £1,370.00 £1,315.00 1,480.00
<550,000.00 £1,315.00 £1,425.00 £1,370.00 1,535.00
<£600,000.00 £1,370.00 £1,480.00 £1,425.00 1,590.00
<£700,000.00 £1,425.00 £1,535.00 £1,480.00 1,645.00
<£800,000.00 £1,480.00 £1,645.00 £1,595.00 1,755.00
<£900,000.00 £1,590.00 £1,700.00 £1,705.00 1,865.00
<£1,000,000.00 £1,700.00 £1,865.00 £1,815.00 1,975.00
>£1,000,000.00 ON REQUEST
NB: New Builds - Unregistered Land - Help to Buy - Equity Mortgage are subject to additional fees
of not less than £250.00 + VAT
Independent Legal Advice Fee from £250.00 plus VAT
Price / Mortgage Value Freehold Re-mortgage Leasehold Re-mortgage
>£300,000.00 £550 - £660 £745 - £855
£300,000.00 - £500,000.00 £660 - £770 £855 - £945
£500,000.00 - £750,000.00 £770 - £880 £945 - £1055
£750,000.00+ £900 + £1055+
Commercial: Please contact us for a quote
For all other forms of work our normal charges for legal services are calculated at the rate of £200.00 + VAT
per hour with letters written and telephone calls and emails at 1/10th and letters received at 1/20th
of the hurly rate.
Full details of our chargeable rates will be contained within our client care letter.
All fees are exclusive of 20% VAT
Deed of Trust/Declaration £300.00
Deed of Postponement £150.00
Deed of Covenant £150.00
Land Registry Restriction Fee £150.00
Removal of a Registered Caution £150.00
Mutual Deed of Covenant for Flying Freehold £250.00
Transfer of Business Loan facility/overdraft £200.00
Drafting additional contract packages (eg for sale – Contract race) £150.00
Statutory Declaration for Title Rectification £150.00
Deed of Assignment of Life Policy between Policy holders £250.00
Services of Notice of Assignment or Reassignment to Life Company £50.00
Electronic transmission of money outside the UK £100.00
Cheque returned unpaid £50.00
Cheque stopped at clients’ request £50.00
Dealing with Third Party Lawyer (eg matrimonial Transaction Separate lawyer for lender) £150.00
File retrieval after completion from archive store £50.00
Administering service charge retentions (payable on completion) £75.00
Discharge of any second/secured loan £50.00
Additional payment redeeming unsecured loans £50.00
Dealing with indemnity insurance policy £40.00
Occupiers’ Waiver/consent form (depending on lender) £50.00
Lawyer Check £15.00
Electronic verification/identification (per name) £6.00
SDLT Completion Fee £50.00
Deeds release fee £5.00
Additional Costs
·       Redemption of Target HCA Shared Equity Loan £150.00
·       Gift (per gift) £100.00 *(where its part of the sale)
·       HTB ISA or Lifetime ISA (per ISA) £50.00
·       Proof of Funds £200.00
·       Acting for Lender £250.00

Additional Costs

  • Redemption of Target HCA Shared Equity Loan £100.00 + VAT                                                                                     *(where its part of the sale)
  • Gift (per gift) £50.00 + VAT
  • HTB ISA or Lifetime ISA (per ISA) £50.00 + VAT

For further information please do not hesitate to call on of our team or

email us or call us on

Hoole & Co: 0117 969 1436 or Email:- enquiries@hooleandco.co.uk.